Do not be left in the stone age, it is imperative that you have a website for your business. Set up a website and make sure that it is relevant and effective for your business so you can expand your customer base and have a larger market share that’s not limited by your physical stores. Sounds easier said than done, right? Of course, before you can call your website a success, you need to consider how much money you need to shell out to put up a website. Depending on the size and profitability of your business, you will also need to budget accordingly for your website’s expenses. Think of it this way, would you sign off to a ten thousand dollar online marketing campaign and for website maintenance when you barely pull in fifteen thousand dollars in revenue? That would be absurd and an absolute mistake in management if you would do so. What we’re trying to say is that you should budget appropriately and proportionately to the needs of your business. Don’t spend too much if you’re not making enough, and don’t spend too little if there’s more than enough to go around. If you’re starting out with your website, then this is the stage wherein you can adjust accordingly to your market so you will know what they are looking for. Having a website is just like supply and demand, give the people what they want and traffic will start to flow to your site regularly.