In this highly competitive marketing environment where customers are more educated and have access to unlimited information, you need to think beyond creating a Web-site for your business. In order to reach new customers and to keep existing customers, here are some things you can do to increase the appeal of your Web-site.
- Provide information to your customers: Your Web-site shall provide relevant information thorough articles, blogs, news, videos and other means. Most customers surf the Web before they buy any product online. If you educate them on your field of expertise, they will come back to you after they surf the Web.
- Use social media to promote your site: You can use Facebook, YouTube and other social media to create a community that share a similar interest. They can share their experience as well as seek support from others on issues related to your field of expertise.
- Provide quality content: Not only to get a higher search ranking but also to keep your customers interested, update your web-site including blogs and videos regularly.
- Expand your keywords: Prospective customers search the Web using key words. You need to imagine a little and link all possible key words to your site.
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