Almost any web designer will tell you that responsive web design is probably one of the most popular (and recent) trends that a number of devices, platforms and browsers is about to use.
It’s also been noticed that there’s a growing shift in demand from traditional platforms to fluid and adaptive website these days.
So, here are 5 breath-taking responsive landing pages:
This site looks absolutely great on your desktop, thanks to the bold, black justified heading set against the background of the Mojave Desert. Nothing changes when you view this site from mobile as well.
What is apparent to anyone who visits this site is its use of minimalist design. Thanks to its clean lines and simple structure, flow and composition aren’t compromised when viewing it on a mobile or tablet.
What stands out is the use of color on this website but what also engages the users is the placement of 3D figurines making it one of the most innovative and unique sites out there. Best part: the website looks exactly the same on mobile too.
When you view this website, you’ll realize that it belongs to an artist who, quite simply, lets his work do all the talking. The landing page, which is very simple, can be easily viewed using a desktop but also when using a mobile with the exception of one illustration that features a subtle logo.
One aspect that really stands out about this site is that they have gotten rid of content boxes and border, and which has not only managed to showcase their work but also highlights the use of shape when it comes to their website.